Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Year to Remember

It's so sad that actually I will go into 12th grade and I should say goodbye to my 11th grade's classmates. Though it was awkward in the beginning, but we can go well in the end. We've been through all the happy and sad moments. Like seriously, I'm going to miss all the moments and the jokes for sure! Hahaha. 

All I wanna say is thank you very much. Thank you for all the photos and infos (ifyouknowwhatimean), thank you for the naruto games, thank you for all the stories, thank you for the gossips lol, thank your for accepting my alayness, thank you for sharing the tasks together, thank you for the teamwork, thank you for the joy, thank you for the good experiences, thank you for all! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME, TBH.