Finally I have some spare time to post the second part of my holiday! So yeah, I'm so happy to write again in my blog. So, after we went to Indrayanti Beach, we went back to the city and had a rest. But, I already had a plan to meet my friends who studied in Yogyakarta last January, so we decided to meet in Tempo Gelato because I was so curious about how delicious the ice cream in that place lol.
Tempo Gelato is located in Kaliurang Street, it is near to Gadjah Mada University. The place is not that big but it is so crowded. When I went to Tempo Gelato, there were a lot of people who bought the ice cream too and had a small talk in there. But it's a nice place to go.
The ice cream that I bought! The flavors was matcha and cookies if I'm not wrong (I forgot lol). It was so delicious and the price was not that expensive, I think. Unfortunately, when I went to there, there were a lot of flavors that already run out. I guess, if you want to go there, make sure you can go there as fast as you can lol.
The next morning, we went to Kalibiru in Kulon Progo area. It was a place with beautiful scenery and had some unique photo spots. Kalibiru seems like being everyone's favorite spot for taking good photos hahaha. Well, I admit that the place is soooo beautiful and the scenery is amazing tho.

It is located not that far from the city. It takes about 2 hours (maybe? I forgot I'm sorry :() to go there. Oh, you must be careful when you go there because the road was amazingly amazing (do you get what I mean? hahaha), but you will be paid after seeing that beautiful green-scenery. Oh ya, I do not recommend you to go there in the holiday era, because you will face that long queue when you want to take some photos in some spots. After spending time in Kalibiru, we went to Merapi Mountain to had kind of jeep tour in Merapi area. It was my very first experince to had that kind of off-road journey, but it was supppeeeer amazing! I really recommend you to have a Merapi jeep-tour if you go to Yogyakarta because it's that worth it! You will see amazing things in there. I visited a mini museum--it was actually a home that was destroyed because of the eruption. You will see some apparatuses that half melted bacause of the eruption in mini museum. After that, I visited a big rock that was thrown from the top part of the mountain.

From this place, you will see the big rock that was thrown from the top area of the mountain. You also can see the path that made of the lava flow. The path was quite big, so you can imagine how many lava that was flowed from the top part of the mountain.
I also visited a bunker in Kaliadem, still in the Merapi Mountain area. The bunker was no longer used by people. There was a story in this bunker that made the bunker is no longer being used.
In the last eruption of Merapi Mountain, the bunker's door was opened so that the lava could come into the bunker. Because of the changing of the temperature after the eruption, the lava froze. As you can see, that grey thing that looks like a rock is actually the frozen lava from the last eruption. From Merapi Mountain, we went back to the city because we had to go back to Cirebon. I was so sad because my holiday was ended lol, but I was so happy that I could visit Yogyakarta again! I really want to go there again someday because I love those green-sceneries and the beautiful beaches :) Hope I can go there with my friends someday!
Photos taken using Samsung NX3000